Over scheduled much?

Why does everyone insist on scheduling every second of their day to the minute? The reason I ask this is when I do it it doesn’t work out for the best. This past week on Wednesday, I had to see two of my clients back to back in two different area about 20 minutes away from each other. However before I could go to my first client, my day job had a last minute emergency meeting with my boss which delayed me tremendously to my first client.

Now normally I get to L’s place at 6pm however because of this delay I got there 6:30pm. Because of this delay in my schedule it caused me to be even later to my 2nd client. My second client is a 8 year old child however when I called the mother to let her know she was very upset justifiably I told her I would there a at a certain time and her daughter was looking forward to seeing me that night. It gets even better once I finished with L. I called Z. to let her know  was on my way and would be there in 20 minutes. Well you know the expression “man plans G-d laughs”

He had a great laugh that night bot one but two buses did not stop for me. I had to call for a car service after waitn g 20 minutes and asked them to hurry. They tell me 5-10 minutes. They meant or should have told me more like 20 minutes to be accurate. Long story short I got to my client about 40 minutes late and had to apologize which I did not mind since Why does everyone insist on scheduling every second of their day to the minute? The reason I ask this is when I do it it doesn’t work out for the best

Balancing life

Having a great support system around you can be a great thing. When life gets hectic and there’s a million things going around, you need to be able to balance life. Recently I saw this play out in my personal life. I work full time and am furthering my education in the evenings.

My school schedule changed drastically from a two nights for fours hours a night, to a twenty-six hour week. In order to stay in the program I need to keep those hours. That means balancing family and home life with all the usual mundane day to day. Before the semester began I was nervous how would everything balance out? Now I’m seeing there’s a reason everyone has a support system and that’s to balance life!

Frustrated and angry

Sometimes you hear something from a family member and it just angers you. I’m currently experiencing that. My brother & I are close and we talk often. He’s married about a year and a half. He & his wife both work full time and go to school full time so that they can further their education. Just when they think they can cover their monthly expenses new bills pop up such as tuition, textbooks … Our parents help him out with his tuition and he and his wife pay for her tuition. They just got a call from his father-in-law that my brothers wife is being kicked off her parents cell phone plan, which is a family plan.  They are financially independent and don’t ask for help form either side. He’s  frustrated and angry when does he get to be able to save money up? I lasked him if there is anyway that I can help